Thursday, June 26, 2008

Busy Few Days!

Lisa, the boys and I have had the chance to speak to three different church groups in the past three days.  From an associational senior adult rally to VBS mission classes we have shared with a vast variety of God's people.  What a blessing to relate what He is doing amongst the Tswana people of Botswana, Africa!!!  It helps Lisa and I not miss Botswana so much when we can consistently share some of the ministry stories from the last four years. 

This weekend we will travel to a sister Baptist church just outside of Dallas, Texas.  This particular church sent a mission team to South Africa and Botswana just over a year ago and now another ministry team from their church is preparing to go to Botswana in August!  Lisa and I are so excited about seeing old friends and meeting new ones too.  Please pray for the August mission team because they will be going into several strategic areas of Botswana that have had little Christian witness.  We are sure God is going to use them to multiply the ministry among the Tswana.

Thanks for reading.  Talk to you again in a few days.


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