Our friends and co-laborers here in Botswana have a daughter named Allison. She came and stayed a while with me this afternoon. Caden was taking a nap and the big boys were still at school. So we decided to watch Cinderella together. For some reason this is not a movie that is Ever requested by my boys. We talked, colored, baked cookies, and I put her hair in a ponytail. These couple of hours were precious. The boys soon came home from school and the house was filled with laughter and excitement. I noticed they were all outside looking for ladybugs and grasshoppers, collecting rocks, and climbing our tree. She even said she would play football with them and Kendall said, "I'll go easy on her, Mom." I know if they would have played she would have proved herself a worthy opponent.
God uses my children, nieces, nephew, the children of my friends, kids from the neighborhood, and my boy's buddies to bless my life everyday. Let us not dismiss them in order to get on to "more important" things. Take time to get to know them and share God's love with them. That is what Jesus did and taught. "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Mark 10:14
1 comment:
That Allison is a cutie! So are those Jones boys.
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