We are all enjoying being back home. The boys have loved school. They both have very nice teachers. Landon will be going to a week long team building camp the first week of March. I hope I make it through the week without seeing or talking to him. He and Kendall are both on a mid-term holiday this week. I love having them home! The weather has been hot, cool, and raining. Sounds a lot like AR weather, doesn't it?!
Caden is growing up so much. He is learning his shapes, letters, and colors. He is also very good at getting us to all do what he wants.
Todd is working on his budget for next year. Please pray that God will give him wisdom in this as well as everything else he has on his God-given agenda right now.
I am busy cooking, cleaning, and taking care of my favorite boys. I am also longing to grow deeper in my relationship with my Savior. Know that we love you all and miss you very much. If you would like to know more about the ministry here, please send us your email address. We send out a newsletter that reports more about what God is doing here in Botswana.